Na papiru, činilo mi se da je ideja baš jednostavna. Želeo sam da “na jednom mestu” okupim sve muzičare (ili bar većinu), koji su tokom poslednjih desetak godina, od prvog koncert POP Depresije (Nina Nastasia, 23. septembar 2002, Dom omladine) do danas, svirali u Beogradu i da tako još jednom podsetim i sebe i druge na značajan period života. Nije bilo mnogo teško ni u praksi – brojni PD prijatelji koji su tokom godina bili gosti/domaćini na našim koncertima – Kodagain, Nežni Dalibor, Ilija Ludvig, Autopark, ŽeneKese, The Mothership Orchestra, On Tour, Ventolin, Wooden Ambulance, Ika, Lula Mae, Stray Dogg – izabrali su da obrade pesmu bendova/solista koji su tokom ovog perioda svirali u Beogradu. Baukova Soba, Studio Underground NBGD i svi učesnici ove “akcije” omogućili su da se sve na najbolji mogući način izvede i tako ovu ideju pretvorili u pravi muzički vremeplov. Svima se zahvaljujem i jedva čekam da ponovo nešto radimo zajedno. ivan/PD
SONGS UNDER COVER POP DEPRESSION: THE CONCERT YEARS – On paper, it seemed like a pretty simple idea. I wanted to gather round all (or most) of the musicians who played in Belgrade for the past decade under the Pop Depression organization, ever since the first gig (Nina Nastasia, September 23rd 2002, Dom Omladine). I needed to mark that very important period of my and our lives. It hasn’t been very difficult to do – many of PD friends who were guests/hosts in our concerts – Kodagain, Nežni Dalibor, Ilija Ludvig, Autopark, ŽeneKese, The Mothership Orchestra, On Tour, Ventolin, Wooden Ambulance, Ika, Lula Mae, Stray Dogg – selected to cover one song by foreign artist/band who played in Belgrade during the aforementioned period. Bauk’s Room, Studio Underground NBGD and all the other participants of this particular ‘event’ made sure that everything went smoothly and turned this idea into one true music time machine. Thank you to each and every one, I can hardly wait to work with you again.
PESME ISPOD POKRIVAČA :: POP Depresija :: Koncertne godine :: Autopark – Dva klikera • Kodagain – Metal Baby • On Tour – Follow Me • Lula Mae – Slow Motion Movie Star • ŽeneKese – Supersonične sanke • The Mothership Orchestra – Lazarus Heart • Nežni Dalibor – Stanje budućnosti • Ventolin – Cracklin’ Water •Ilija Ludvig – Another Day Full of Dread • Stray Dogg – Nomadic Revery (All Around) •Ika – If I’m Waiting • Wooden Ambulance – My Blue Wave
01/ Autopark – Dva klikera /The Sea & Cake – Two Dolphins/
Autoparkov izbor je pesma “Two Dolphins”, čikaških džez-rok veterana The Sea & Cake, koja je originalno objavljena na albumu “Oui” (Thrill Jockey, 2000). The Sea & Cake u malom klubu Doma omladine 13. novembra 2005. godine “zastupali” su Sam Prekop i Archer Prewitt. Prepev i aranžman: Autopark, snimljeno i miksano krajem decembra 2012. u studiju “Strip”, producent Saša Janković.
Autopark chose to cover “Two Dolphins”, originally released on the album “Oui” (Thrill Jockey, 2000) by Chicago jazz-rock veterans The Sea & Cake. Sam Prekop and Archer Prewitt represented the band during the intimate show in Dom Omladine Club on November 13 Adapted and arranged by Autopark. Recorded and mixed in Studio Strip during December 2012. Produced by Saša Janković.
02/ Kodagain – Metal Baby /Teenage Fanclub – Metal Baby/
“Metal Baby” je jedan od klasika s albuma “Bandwagonesque” Teenage Fanclub (Creation, 1991). “Tinejdžeri” u džemperićima održali su koncert u SKC-u 7. novembra 2010. godine. Kodagain je Saša Zorić Čombe, a pesma je snimana u Knjaževcu kod Čombeta kući u decembru 2012. Čombe – gitara, glasovi, bas i udaraljke (Logic Platinum).
“Metal Baby” is one of the classics taken from the album “Bandwagonesque” by Teenage Fanclub (Creation, 1991). Scotish pop masters gave a memorable performance in Studentski kulturni centar on November 7th 2010. Kodagain is alias of Saša Zorić Čombe. This version was recorded in Knjaževac at his home in December 2012. Čombe – guitar, voice, bass, percussions (Logic Platinum).
03/ On Tour – Follow Me /Steve Wynn – Follow Me/
“Follow Me” je pesma Steve Wynna, objavljena na albumu “Fluorescent” (Breakout Records, 1993). Tokom svoje karijere Steve je u Beogradu nastupao više puta, a na PD koncertima 2003, 2005. i 2008. godine. On Tour su svoju verziju snimili u Baukovoj sobi tokom aprila 2013. On Tour su: Ivana Smolović – vokal i melodika, Marko Ćebić – vokal, mandola i električna melodika i Vladimir Marinović – vokal i akustična gitara.
“Follow Me” is Steve Wynn’s song, released on the album “Fluorescent” (Breakout Records, 1993). “The friendly ghost of Belgrade” performed in Serbian capital many times, under PD coulours in 2003. 2005, 2008. On Tour recorded their version in studio Bauk’s Room in April 2013. On Tour is: Ivana Smolović – vocal, melodica, Marko Ćebić – vocal, mandola and electic melodica, and Vladimir Marinović – vocal, acustic guitar.
04/ Lula Mae – Slow Motion Movie Star /PJ Harvey-Mick Harvey – Slow Motion Movie Star/
“Slow Motion Movie Star” u svet je izašao na albumu “Two Of Diamonds” (Mute, 2006) Micka Harveyja, kao poklon od PJ, koja ju je napisala tokom snimanja “Stories From The City, Stories From The Sea”. Mick je u REX-u nastupio 21. oktobra 2012. godine. LM ju svoju verziju snimila tokom marta 2013. u Baukovoj sobi. Aranžman su napravile Milica Mitić, Đurđa Stanković i Zorana Josipović, producent je bio Dušan Bauk. Na snimanju pesme su učestvovali: Daniel Jovanović – klavijature, Bojan Palikuća – gitara, Aleksandar Šišić – bas i vokali Milica Mitić, Đurđa Stanković.
“Slow Motion Movie Star” appeared on Mick Harvey’s album “Two Of Diamonds” (Mute, 2006). He got it as ‘a gift’ from PJ Harvey who wrote it during the sessions for “Stories From The City, Stories From The Sea”. Mick performed in Cultural center REX on October 21st 2012. Lula Mae recorded their take on the song in March 2013 in Studio Bauk’s Room. Arranged by Milica Mitić, Đurđa Stanković i Zorana Josipović. Produced by Dušan Bauk. Musicians: Daniel Jovanović – keyboards, Bojan Palikuća – guitar, Aleksandar Šišić – bass, Milica Mitić, Đurđa Stanković – vocals
05/ ŽeneKese – Supersonične sanke /Grant Hart – Flexible Flyer/
Legendarni bubnjar i pevač Hüsker Dü, Grant Hart, 15 godina posle svojih antologijskih nastupa u prestonici Srbije, održao je koncert u Living Room-u SKC-a 29. aprila 2010, kao i godinu dana kasnije u Gun Clubu. ŽeneKese su delili binu kluba SKC-a sa Hartom uoči snimanja njihovog drugog albuma “Rado bih te sreo”, a odlučili su da obrade njegovu himhu “Flexible Flyer” (Hüsker Dü “Flip Your Wig”, SST 1985). Prepev: Stefan Ikonić, aranžman – ŽeneKese, miks i produkcija – Marko Jovanović. ŽeneKese čine: Mladen Sopić – bubnjevi, Davor Sopić – bass, vokali i klavir, Marko Mitrović – električna gitara, Stefan Ikonić – vokal i akustična gitara, Luka Pređa – klavijature. “Supersonične sanke” snimljene su tokom aprila 2013. godine u studiju Underground NBGD.
Fifteen years after his cult performance in KST club, legendary Husker Du drummer and singer returned to Belgrade for SKC’s Living Room show on April 29th 2010, as well as the year after. ŽeneKese shared the stage with Grant Hart prior to making their second album ‘I’d Meet You Gladly’. They decided to cover anthemic “Flexible Flyer” (from “Flip Your Wig” by Hüsker Dü, SST 1985). They recorded “Supersonične sanke” during April 2013 in Studio Underground NBGD. Lyrics adapted by Stefan Ikonić, arranged by ŽeneKese, mixed and produced by Marko Jovanović. ŽeneKese is: Mladen Sopić – drums, Davor Sopić – bass, vocals and piano, Marko Mitrović – electric guitar, Stefan Ikonić – vocals and acoustic guitar, Luka Pređa – keyboards.
06/ The Mothership Orchestra – Lazarus Heart /The Walkabouts – Lazarus Heart/
The Walkabouts su dva puta svojom muzikom oživeli “Pogon” Doma omladine (2003. i 2005), a Chris & Carla su uveličali promociju “Električne zastave” Žikice Simića u martu 2007. godine. The Mothership Orchestra su obradili pesmu koja otvara album “Ended Up A Stranger” (Glitterhouse, 2001). The Mothership Orchestra su: Lazar Šijak – glas, perkusije, Ivan Tešić – akustična gitara, bas, Ivan Trajković – gitara, Marko Ćebić – melodika, Predrag Novković – bubnjevi. Produkcija i miks: Nebojša Marković, pesma je snimljena u kućnom studiju.
Americana veterans The Walkabouts “brought to life” DOB’s Pogon twice, in 2003. and 2005. Chris and Carla were special music guests at the promotion of the book “Electric Flag” by Žikica Simić in March 2007. The Mothership Orchestra covered the opening track from “Ended Up A Stranger” (Glitterhouse, 2001). The Mothership Orchestra is: Lazar Šijak – vocal, percussion, Ivan Tešić – acoustic guitar, bass, Ivan Trajković – guitar, Marko Ćebić – melodica, Predrag Novković – drums. Mixed and produced by Nebojša Marković. Recorded in their home studio.
07/ Nežni Dalibor – Stanje budućnosti /Trans Am – Futureworld/
Klub Doma omladine Trans Am su osvojili 12. aprila 2004. godine. Nežni Dalibor su izabrali da obrade naslovnu temu albuma “Futureword” (Thrill Jockey, 1999). “Stanje budućnosti” je snimljena krajem aprila u Studiju Underground NBGD. Nežni Dalibor su: Dragan Jovanović – bubanj, Davor Sopić – sint, Ljubomir Vučković – bas, Ivica Marković – gitara i glas. Prepev je napravio Ivica Marković, aranžman – Nežni Dalibor, a Marko Jovanović je radio miks i bio producent.
Trans AM “conquered’ DOB’s Club on April 12th 2004. And for many, that was the highlight of that concert year. Nežni Dalibor picked the title song from album “Futureworld” (Thrill Jockey, 1999). “Stanje budućnosti” was recorded in April 2013. in Studio Underground NBGD. Nežni Dalibor is: Dragan Jovanović – drums, Davor Sopić – synth, Ljubomir Vučković – bass, Ivica Marković – guitar, vocal. Lyrics adapted by Ivica Marković. Arranged by Nežni Dalibor. Mixed and produced by Marko Jovanović.
08/ Ventolin – Cracklin’ Water /OP8-Giant Sand-Howe Gelb – Cracklin’ Water/
”Cracklin’ Water” je (možda) prvi put objavljena na albumu “Slush” (Thirsty Ear, 1997) super-grupe OP8. Autor pesme, Howe Gelb, nastupio je 5. novembra 2006. godine u Velikoj sali DOB-a. Ventolin je svoju verziju snimio u Studiju Underground NBGD krajem januara 2013. Ventolin su: Vladimir Marinović – vokali i gitare, Predrag Potkonjak – gitare, Predrag Ivanović – bas i Uroš Smiljanić – bubnjevi. Dodatna snimanja, miks i produkcija Dušan Bauk.
”Cracklin’ Water” was presumably released for the first time on the album “Slush” (Thirsty Ear, 1997) by super-group OP8. The author of the song, Howe Gelb, performed on November 5th 2006. on DOB’s Main Stage. Ventolin recorded their version in Studio Underground NBGD during January 2013. Ventolin is: Vladimir Marinović – vocal, guitar, Predrag Potkonjak – guitar, Predrag Ivanović – bass i Uroš Smiljanić – drums. Additional recording, mix and production -Dušan Bauk.
09/ Ilija Ludvig – Another Day Full of Dread /Bonnie ‘Prince’ Billy – Another Day Full of Dread/
Veseli “Princ tame” – Will Oldham sa svojim kantri bendom SKC je posetio 20. juna 2008. godine. Ilija je svoju verziju pesme s albuma “I See A Darkness” snimio u Baukovoj sobi tokom aprila 2013. godine. Solo gitarica, vokali: Ilija Ludvig, ritam gitara, vokali: Maja Vojvodić. “Manijakalni smeh”, miks i produkcija: Dušan Bauk, naracija: Rick Roderick – The Self Under Siege Lectures (1993), pratnja: ChordPulse 2.2.
Cheerful “Prince of Darkness” Will Oldham visited Belgrade’s SKC with his country band on June 20th 2008. Ilija recorded his take on the song from the album “I See A Darkness” in Studio Bauk’s Room during April 2013. Ilija Ludvig – vocals, solo guitar, Maja Vojvodić – vocals. Maniacal laughter, mix and production – Dušan Bauk. Narrated by Rick Roderick ( The Self Under Siege Lectures,1993). With the help of ChordPulse 2.2.
10/ Stray Dogg – Nomadic Revery (All Around) /Bonnie ‘Prince’ Billy – Nomadic Revery (All Around)/
Bonnie ‘Prince’ Billy i album “I See A Darkness” (Palace, Domino 1999) po drugi put. Stray Dogg je “Nomadic Revery” snimio tokom prve polovine maja 2013. u Baukovoj sobi. Vokali: Dušan Strajnić, gitare: Marko Ignjatović, klavir: Jelena Damjanović, aranžman: Stray Dogg, miks i produkcija Dušan Bauk.
Bonnie Prince Billy and his album “I See A Darkness” (Palace, Domingo 1999) for the second time. Stray Dogg recorded ‘Nomadic Revery’ during May 2013 in Bauk’s Room. Dušan Strajnić – vocals, Marko Ignjatović – guitars, Jelena Damjanović – piano. Arranged by Stray Dogg. Mixing and production – Dušan Bauk
11/ Ika – If I’m Waiting /Jason Anderson – If I’m Waiting/
“If I’m Waiting” sija na albumu “The Wreath” (K Records, 2005) Jasona Andersona. On je za peti rođendan POP Depresije svirao besplatan koncert u “Kocki” 24. marta 2006. godine. Ika su za ovu priliku bili: Ivana Smolović – glas i Darko Živić – gitara, a pesma je snimljena u Baukovoj sobi.
Song ‘If I’m Waiting’ is a shiny pearl of the album ‘The Wreath’ (K Records, 2005) by Jason Anderson. He gave a free concert in ‘Kocka’ on March 24th 2006 for Pop Depression’s fifth birthday. For this occasion, members of Ika were: Ivana Smolović – vocals and Darko Živić guitars. Recorded in the Studio Bauk’s Room.
12/ Wooden Ambulance – My Blue Wave /Lambchop – My Blue Wave/
Lambchop su pesmu “My Blue Wave” originalno objavili na album “Is A Woman” (City Slang, 2005). U Beogradu su Kurt Wagner i prijatelji nastupili 1. decembra 2006. u Velikoj sali DOB-a, kao i dve godine ranije u “Kolarcu”. Verzija subotičkog ansambla Wooden Ambulance snimljena je uživo u Studiju 11 (Subotica) 13. januara 2013. godine. Glasovi i dodatni intrumenti su snimljeni kasnije u par navrata tokom januara, aprila i maja 2013. Wooden Ambulance su: Bernadett Brestyánszki – violončelo, Boris Čegar – klavir, Davor Bašić Palković – bas gitara, Dína Brestyánszki – violina, prateći vokal, Dušan Filimonović – organ, Goran Grubišić – vokal, gitara, Rudolf Kovács – bubnjevi i Srđan Terzin – gitara, klavijature.
The song ‘My Blue Wave’ by Lambchop was originally released on the album ‘Is A Woman’ (City Slang, 2005). Kurt Wagner and friends performed in Belgrade on December 1st 2006 in Dom Omladine as well as two years before in Kolarac. The version by Wooden Ambulance, the band from Subotica, was recorded live in Subotica’s Studio 11 on January 13th 2013. The vocals and additional instruments were recorded later during January, April and May of 2013. Members of Wooden Ambulance are Bernadett Brestyánszki – cello, Boris Čegar – piano, Davor Bašić Palković – bass, Dína Brestyánszki – violin, back up vocals, Dušan Filimonović – organ, Goran Grubišić – vocals, guitar Rudolf Kovács – drums, Srđan Terzin – guitar, keyboards.