Jedan san, Darkov pre svega, posle više godina maštanja, dogovaranja, pomeranja i prihvatanja situacije, onda opet planiranja i maštovitog kapiranja “biznis plana” ostvariće se u ponedeljak 5. februara. Piter Broderik je božanstvo indie muzike, a bez obzira što je “indie” odavno izgubio svoje osnovno značenje, on je baš to: potpuno nezavisan, otvoren za izazove,  inspiracije, žanrovske egzibicije i nove predele. Promovisaće svoja aktuelni album “All Together Again”, svirati violinu, klavir i gitaru, pevati svoje i tuđe pesme i učiniti da na jedno veče sanjamo zajedno. Čast nam je da vam predstavimo Pitera Broderika!

Kada neko definiše svoj album kao “muzika rađena na zahtev” ne očekujete da završni proizvod bude koherentna celina, ali “All Together Again” je nekako uspeo da bude celina za sebe. Kako si uspeo da “spojiš nespojivo” – pesmu za venčanje, zvučnu putopisnu reportažu, pesmu za godišnjicu… i da to postane i ostane celina?

Peter Broderick: Drago mi je da se album doživljava na taj način. Dugo sam živeo sa nekim od ovih kompozicija, mnogo pre nego što sam došao na ideju da od njih napravim album. Dugo sam razmišljao koje pesme da izaberem i zašto i kojim redosledom da idu. Takođe, verujem da iako muzika može da bude izuzetno raznovrsna, treba da postoji neka ideja, neka nit koja povezuje sve to i u ovom slučaju ta “nit” sam ja. Ja sam jedini muzičar na ovom albumu… Svirao sam sve instrumente, tako da u neku ruku to daje neku koherentnost ovom albumu automatski…

Ako bi te neko pitao da definišeš svoju muziku kroz umetnost drugih ljudi – kroz filmove, muziku, knjige – šta i koga bi izabrao?

PB: To je baš teško pitanje! I inače imam problema da uopšte definišem to što radim, ali mislim da bi mi bilo lakše da to uradim kroz prirodu. Razno drveće, pejzaže, životinje, stene, vetrove… To me sve asocira na muziku. Ali, pretpostavljam da je dosta umetničkih dela koje sam video/čuo uticalo na to šta stvaram, tako da je možda najjednostavnije da pobrojim neke ljude kojima se divim: Čarli Kofman, Artur Rasel, Džon Kejdž, Stiven Herod Bjuner, Filip Simor Hofman, Lori Anderson, Miranda Džulaj, Džim Džarmuš, Dejvid Linč i mnogi drugi…

Izdavača kuća “Erased tapes” proslavila je deseti rođendan i kako se ti osećaš povodom toga? Da li su i dalje “gladni” i mladi u srcu ili je vreme da se ponašaju “odraslo” i da igraju na sigurno?

PB: Nisam siguran da li je vreme da se “igra na sigurno”, ali svakako da se ja osećam malo starije nego pre deset godina! Izuzetno sam srećam šta je Robert (Robert Raths, osnivač i vlasnik ET) uradio sa Erased Tapes, i počastvovan da sam i ja uključen u sve to. Na neki način čini mi se i osećam da je Erased Tapes prisutan još duže od tih deset godina… Za mene je to neverovatno bitna institucija u ovom trenutku.

Da li možeš da izabereš jednu pesmu/kompoziciju koja bi bila idealni “sempler” tvoje umetnosti i da obrazložiš svoj izbor?

PB: Volim da mislim da je muzika koju pravim jedna pesma, izuzetno dugačka i nastaviću da je pravim i dalje! A ta pesma se stalno menja i evoluira.

Negde sam pročitao da nikada nisi išao u muzičku školu, ali da si proučavao muzičku teoriju. Kakvu si inspiraciju očekivao da pronađeš na taj način?

Foto: Declan Kelly

PB: Išao sam na dvogodišnji kurs iz muzičke teorije na “Portland Community College-u”. I dopalo mi se. Imao sam izuzetnog učitelja, a to svakako pomaže.Takođe, tamo sam upoznao nekoliko ljudi s kojima sam posle sarađivao i sa kojima sam postao prijatelj. Postoji izreka, koja otprilike glasi ovako: nauči sva pravila samo da bi ih posle sve odbacio… I to je bila moja ideja sa muzičkom školom. Želeo sam da naučim sve, ali nisam hteo da to utiče na moju kreativnost.

Imali smo priliku da u Beogradu promovišemo koncert grupe Efterklang (Piter je bio njihov član neko vreme) 2013. godine, a pre dve godine tvoja sestra Heder Vuds Broderik (Heather Woods Broderick) bila je članica benda Demjana Džurada kada je nastupao u Beogradu. Ponekad mi se čini da su svi povezani i da jedno veliko pleme putuje svetom i svira svoju muziku. Kako preživljavaš odvojenost od porodice i prijatelja dok si na putu?

PB: Sviđa mi se ta slika! Jedno veliko pleme putuje unaokolo i svira svoju muziku u različitim mestima. Može da bude složena ta situacija – odnosi sa drugim ljudima tokom putovanja i odsutnost. Ponekad sam dobar u tome, ponekad baš i ne! Ali, ja sam osoba koja voli da bude sama… tako da je ovo prava karijera za mene. I zaista je neverovatno koliko je mali muzički svet… a čini mi se da još više smanjuje svakog dana!

Sarađivao si sa Nilsom Framom, Dejvidom Olredom, M. Vardom, Zoi Desšanel… – da li postoji neko sa kim sanjaš da radiš zajedno?

PB: Ovih dana, što se muzičara i umetnika tiče, nema nikoga s kim bih voleo da radim nešto zajedno. Ali, ima ljudi u drugim oblastima sa kojima sanjam da radim. Puno me zanimaju biljke i ima nekoliko ljudi čije znanje je neverovatno o ovoj oblasti i koji su napisali knjige koje volim. To su ljudi o kojima maštam da ih upoznam i da radimo zajedno.

Šta je najbolja stvar kada živiš u Irskoj?

PB: Vile!

>> Svetlanin leksikon sa Piterom Broderikom <<

U pesmi “How To Fight Loneliness”, Wilco predlaže da se stalno smejemo. Šta bi bio tvoj savet?

PB: Slažem se, smejte se! Budite dobri, ne samo prema drugim ljudima, već posebno prema sebi i prema drugim bićima koja nisu ljudi, a sa kojima delimo ovu planetu. Sviđa mi se naslov novog albuma Thor & Friends: “Subverzivna priroda dobrote” (The Subversive Nature Of Kindness).

Simon & Garfunkel su davno pevali ‘svi su došli da traže Ameriku’. Šta danas može da se nađe na kontinentu koji je za mnoge bio i ostao ‘obećana zemlja’? Šta ti nedostaje u današnjoj Americi i da li ćeš se jednom vratiti da živiš tamo?

PB: Samo što sam se vratio sa jednomesečnog putovanja po Americi. Hajde da se ne bavimo politikom na trenutak… To je tako lepa, ogromna zemlja. Toliko prostora, različitih klima i pejzaža. Rođen sam tamo, i zbog toga doživljavam Ameriku kao “svoju”. Mislim da ću se jednom svakako vratiti.

Lusinda Vilijams je jednom viknula u noć: “Dajte mi to što zaslužujem, jer to je moje pravo!” Ko odlučuje o tomo šta je “tvoje pravo”? Sama osoba, društvo, geografija, novac, rod, religija? Koji je način pravi da se boriš za svoja prava u XXI veku?

PB: Vratio bih se opet na “Subverzivnu prirodu dobrote”. Važno je da čovek ostane skroman i takođe da shvati kada je vreme da kaže NE! Svet je toliko komplikovan, ne pretvaram se da ga razumem… A u isto vreme, postoji nešto toliko jednostavno u svima nama. Možda, ako se svi fokusiramo na te stvari koje su nam zajedničke, više ćemo biti sposobni da budemo dobri jedni prema drugima.

Šta je za tebe duševni mir (“Satisfied mind”)?

PB: Kada ozbiljno i naporno radim i ne odustajem čak i kada ne ide baš sve najbolje, a onda sve se složi i završi i mogu da se opustim, e tada imam duševni mir 🙂

Da personalizujemo staru izreku ‘ nema poklona kao što je vreme’ – šta je za tebe najveći poklon?

PB: Poverenje.

I na kraju, ‘stvaranje muzike je najbliže…?’

Zavisi od vrste muzike 😉

BONUS – Peter Broderick: 10 songs for the lonely mixtape

Brian Eno – 1/1
Arthur Russell – Losing My Taste For The Night Life
Michael Hurley – Sweedeedee
Nina Simone – Nobody’s Fault But Mine
Arvo Part – Fur Alina
Joni Mitchell – Come In From The Cold
David Allred – Eyes
Felicia Atkinson – I’m Following You
Richard Proffitt – Late Morning
Milton Henry – Let The Sun Shine In

Peter Broderick: It’s important to stay humble, and also to know when it’s time to say No!

When someone sees label “commissioned work” somehow you don’t expect coherence in finished product, but “All Together Again” is album on it’s own. How did you manage to “glue” wedding songs, travel companions, anniversary songs and to make it work?

Peter Broderick: I’m very glad to hear the album feels that way to listeners. I sat with some of this music for many years before getting the idea to combine this piece with that and make an album out of it. There was a lot of thought put into which tracks to include and in which order. I also like to believe that as diverse as the music might be, hopefully there is a thread running through it all, and that thread would simply be me. There are no other musicians on this album . . . I played and recorded everything myself, so perhaps that gives it a sense of coherence somewhat automatically…

If someone asks you to define your music through other people’s art – movies, paintings, music, books – what will you choose?

PB: That is a very difficult question! I struggle to define my music at all, I think it would be easier for me to define it through nature . . . different trees, landscapes, animals, rocks, wind patterns . . . this feels more like the music to me. But I suppose a lot of the art I’ve seen/heard has influenced what I”ve made, so perhaps I could simply list some people I admire: Charlie Kaufman, Arthur Russell, John Cage, Stephen Harrod Buhner, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Laurie Anderson, Miranda July, Jim Jarmusch, David Lynch, so many more…

Erased tapes is ten, how do you feel about that? Still young at heart or it is time for being adult and “play safe”?

PB: I’m not sure it’s time to play it safe, but I certainly feel a little older than I did ten years ago! I’ m really proud of what Robert has done with Erased Tapes, and honoured to have been involved. In a sense it almost feels like Erased Tapes has been around even longer . . . they’re such an important institution for me at this point.

Can you choose one song/composition you made as a DNA of your art and why?

PB: I like to think of all the music I’ve made and will continue to make as one long song! And it’s always changing and evolving.

I read somewhere that you never went to a music school but you studied music theory. What inspiration have you find there?

PB: I did a two year course in music theory at Portland Community College. I enjoyed it. I had a really great teacher, so that helps. I also met a couple people who became collaborators and friends of mine. There is a saying that goes something like, “Learn all the rules just to throw them away”… And this was my approach with music school. I wanted to learn about it, but I also didn’t want that to control my creativity.

We had a privilege to promote Efterklang gig in Belgrade in 2013, two years ago your sister (Heather Woods Broderick) played here as a member of Damien Jurado band, sometimes it feels that everyone’s connected and that one big tribe is traveling across the globe and playing their music. Do you have time for friends and family when you on the road? And how to survive separation while on the road?

PB: I love that image! One big tribe, moving around and playing their music in different places. It can be challenging to keep up relationships when you travel and move around a lot. Sometimes I do a good job, and sometimes not! But I am a person who likes to have a lot of alone time . . . so perhaps it’s a fitting career for me! And it is really amazing how small the music world is . . . it gets smaller every day!

You worked with Nils Frahm, David Allred, M. Ward, Zooey Deschanel – to name a few – is there someone you are dreaming to work together?

PB: As far as musicians and artists go, there is not really anyone I long to work with these days. There are people in other fields that I dream of working with. I’m really into plants and there are some people who are very knowledgeable about these things and have written great books that I love. These are people that I sometimes dream of meeting and working with.

Best thing with living in Ireland?

PB: The fairies!

>> Svetlana’s Q & A with Peter Broderick <<

In ‘How to fight loneliness’ Wilco suggested ‘Smile all the time’, and what would your advice be?

Peter Broderick: I agree, smile! Be kind, not only to other people, but to yourself especially, and to the non-humans we share this planet with. I love the title of the new album by Thor & Friends: The Subversive Nature Of Kindness’

Simon & Garfunkel sang a long time ago ‘They’ve all come to look for America’. What is now to be found in the continent that was for most and is still for many – a promised land’? What do you miss nowadays in America and will you return someday to live there?

PB: I just returned from one month traveling in America. Forget the politics for a moment … It is such a beautiful, vast piece of land. So much wide open space and diverse climates and landscapes. I was born there, and because of that it feels like my homeland. I think most likely I will end up back there one day.

Lucinda Williams once shouted out to the night: “Give me what I deserve, ’cause it’s my right!” Who decides what is your right? Individual, society, geography, money, gender, religion? What is the way to fight for your rights in the 21. century?

PB: I would return to ‘the subversive nature of kindness’. It’s important to stay humble, and also to know when it’s time to say No! The world is so complicated, I don’t pretend to understand it . . . and at the same time, there is something very simple we all have in common. Perhaps the more we focus on this thing we share, the more we can treat each other well.

What would be ‘a satisfied mind’ for you?

PB: When I have been working really hard on something, persevering until it is finished, then once it’s finished and I can relax, then I have a satisfied mind 🙂

To personalize the old saying ‘there’s no present like the time’ what is the greatest gift for you?

PB: Trust.

And finally, ‘making music is closest to…?

PB: It depends which type of music 😉

Sa Piterom Broderikom dopisivao se Ivan, leksikonska pitanja delo su Svetlane Đolović.

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